Fathers’ Day

The world is celebrating fathers’ day. Messages and pictures are flooding the Facebook timeline. 

Almost everyone is telling that they have the best father in the world. That they are happy and thankful to have them in their lives.

Some of the messages are not at all an expression happiness nor gratitude. Some expresses regret and longing. 

Those messages are from the people whose fathers are not anymore in the physical world. 

They’re gone. They’re missed. 

And I’m one of those people.

If only I could turn back time, I would spend more time with my papa. I would talk to him. Ask him questions about his younger days. About his life. His struggles and successes. Everything. Anything.

I miss my papa.

In my whole life, I only hugged him once. That was the first and last. And that was the last time I saw him alive. That was the last goodbye.

So, to all of you whose fathers are still alive, go and tell them you love them. Don’t just post on Facebook. Go to them. Give them a hug. Talk to them. Ask them questions.  Not just on Father’s Day. Make every day special because nobody knows when they will be gone…forever.

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